What is a Responsive Website?

Responsive websitesA responsive website will display content regardless of the device’s screen resolution. User experience will remain high on any device. A website developed responsively can adapt its content to the device being used. Visitors using an unresponsive website will likely become frustrated and move on to a competitor’s site suitable for their device.

Responsive Website Developer

If you are developing a new website, you want to start with a universally compatible website. If you currently have a non-responsive website, it makes sense to consider a compatible solution. Responsive websites help optimize a website while ensuring visitors have the best experience possible.

Non-Responsive Website

A non-responsive website will force you to ZOOM into a particular part of the screen to clearly read the information.

Responsive Website

Text, graphics, logos, and other elements on the screen are larger and easily viewed. Users do not have to ZOOM in to view your information.

Responsive Website