Most of the time these two terms – webmaster service and website maintenance – are interchangeable.  Though there may be true technical differences, most folks use either term to describe an outsourced website support service.  To small businesses, the advantages of outsourcing quickly add up to dollars and sense for your bottom line.

After Website Development there is On-going Website Maintenance

Once a reputable professional website developer has completed your website and published it on the internet, needs for website maintenance will vary by type of site.  Many smaller sites with just a few pages will have minimal need for support, whereas complex content management system sites (CMS), websites with heavy reliance on Flash applications, or busy online shopping carts may require several hours of attention each week.  Most average small business websites will probably fall somewhere in the middle, needing a handful of support hours each month.

Website Monitoring and Search Engine Optimization

A webmaster service can perform a wide variety of functions, from simply monitoring the site to repairing broken features or developing new features.  Webmasters can make recommendations to increase website speed and boost search rankings.  Some of these recommendations may be included in the monthly contract, and some may require additional work than is typically covered by a standard agreement.

Webmaster Service is More Economical than Repair

A website maintenance contract ensures that your website will evolve as your business grows, including adding new products and services and making updates to content as your offerings and policies change.  If your site has an active blog or forum, it can be helpful to have a service monitor postings and format new material.  A maintenance contract might include making postings to social network marketing sites.  Professional blog writing services can be included, though often original content development is an additional fee.

Outsourced website support services are an economical choice for business owners.  As with most ownership decisions, it makes sense to perform continual maintenance on a business asset – your website – rather than wait until it completely breaks down and starts all over again.  And more than just a financial decision, most business owners will find that they save time and headaches by outsourcing their website maintenance to professionals.